2025 New Years Eve Blog

Celebrating Christmas in Asia Countries

Christmas in Hong Kong

Most Asian countries are not traditionally Christian, in the modern age, many countries and territories have taken to celebrating Christmas with great cheer.

(Top photo: Christmas in Disney Land – Hong Kong).

Christmas in Japan

In Japan, although just 2% its population is Christian, Christmas is still considered a major holiday. On Christmas Day, people will gather with their families and decorate trees together with toys, dolls, yellow paper fans, lantern and small beautiful bells.

Christmas in South Korea

In South Korea, Christmas is also celebrated joyfully, with carolers and dancing groups going door to door, and churches organizing special music shows all day long.

Christmas in Vietnam

Christmas in Vietnam, although it is not considered an official holiday, has grown increasingly popular. Decorations can be seen everywhere, and parties are organized on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It is also an occasion for family and friends to gather; in particular, Christmas is considered a romantic holiday for couples.

Read also Top 6 cities in Asia for Christmas celebrations.

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